
The Origin
In the beginning, there was Bob. Bob floated in the vastness of space, surrounded by the silent, empty expanse. He found himself increasingly bored with the void. In his search for entertainment and purpose, Bob decided to create something new. With a thought, he brought into existence a magnificent sphere known as Rivulet (Riv-Yoo-Leigh). This sphere was not just a lifeless rock floating in the cosmos; it was a vibrant land teeming with rivers, mountains, forests, and oceans.

Once Bob finished sculpting the lands of Rivulet, he realized that he needed companions to share his creation. So, he fashioned friends: the wise and protective Bobfather, the mystical and graceful High Priestess, and a group of devoted followers known as the Acolytes of Bob. Together, they established a thriving community in a beautiful region named The Bobshire. Here, they lived in perfect balance with the natural order of the world, nurturing the land and enjoying the harmony they had created.

Rise of Dark Bob
However, the balance in The Bobshire had an unintended consequence. While Bob and his companions lived in peace, the scales tipped elsewhere on Rivulet, giving rise to Chaos. From this Chaos, a dark and malevolent entity emerged, known as Dark Bob. For a millennium, Dark Bob laid siege to The Bobshire, his forces always lurking outside the city walls. Despite his relentless efforts, the power of Bob protected the city, keeping it intact and its inhabitants safe.

Battle of the Bobs
One fateful day, the tides turned. Dark Bob's power grew formidable, and he finally breached the city walls. The armies of Evil swarmed into The Bobshire, threatening to destroy everything Bob had built. In the face of this dire threat, Bob entrusted The Bobfather with a Holy Relic, a powerful artifact whose name had been lost to time. With the holy relic in hand, The Bobfather confronted Dark Bob and, after an epic battle, managed to slay the evil being. Recognizing the immense power of the relic, Bob decided it was too dangerous for anyone to wield and sent it to another plane, ensuring it would never fall into the wrong hands. In the aftermath, Bob shared his teachings with The Bobfather, who passed them down to the Acolytes, ensuring the wisdom and harmony of The Bobshire endured.

The Peace Era
A thousand years of peace and harmony followed the destruction of Dark Bob. The Acolytes of Bob, guided by the teachings of Bob and The Bobfather, continued to thrive. They discovered the power of Chaos, learning to harness and control it to alter the landscape as they saw fit. Under their influence, Rivulet flourished, becoming a realm of endless possibilities and beauty.

The Fall
However, not all Acolytes were content with using Chaos for good. A few, driven by greed and ambition, delved into darker practices. These depraved and twisted Acolytes committed acts of unspeakable evil, their actions reverberating through the realm. Their malevolence disrupted the delicate balance once more, and from the shadows, Dark Bob was resurrected.

The Rise of Dark Bob
For a long time, Dark Bob bid his time, gathering strength and followers in the shadows. When he finally emerged, he was more powerful and dangerous than ever before. His return to The Bobshire caught Bob and his companions off guard, and a catastrophic event unfolded, all but the center of The Bobshire was destroyed, plunging the once-peaceful land into turmoil.

The Un-peace Era – Current Day
With Dark Bob's resurgence, the peace that had reigned for a millennium was shattered. Bob, recognizing the severity of the threat, chose a select few Acolytes for a crucial mission: to recover the Holy Relic, whose name remained forgotten, from the other plane where it had been hidden. The chosen Acolytes were instantly transported to a mysterious Desert Oasis City known as Wobblia; a place Bob had created as a base of operations for their quest. Wobblia was a city of intrigue and wonder, with secrets and challenges all its own. The Acolytes had to navigate its labyrinthine streets, deal with its enigmatic inhabitants, and uncover clues as to the whereabouts of the Holy Relic. As they ventured deeper into their mission, they realized that the relic was not just a weapon but a key to restoring balance and harmony to Rivulet. The fate of The Bobshire, and indeed all of Rivulet, hangs in the balance. The Acolytes' journey is fraught with peril, but their determination and faith in Bob's teachings give them hope. Together, they face the daunting task of retrieving the relic and using it to vanquish Dark Bob once and for all, restoring peace to their beloved land.